February: What Your Peers Valued

Posted on by Excell Staff


It appears that the blush from New Years is over and we are now getting realistic about our goals and getting down to business.  The community’s interests over the month of February fell into four categories.

Think you are too young for succession planning?  Think again.  Read about how Harry handled a scare and how his lack of preparation may have affected his business.

Somewhat related to succession planning, our Excell community took interest in this article about how to retain talent at the “top of the house.”  You’ll want someone well developed to hand the keys to, after all.

And, as for your company’s management and other staff, two articles about team building resonated with our peers. One was about how to encourage your staff to eat together and the other shared case studies of a few other companies and how those companies implemented team building strategies.  Interestingly, “team building” is also the topic of Excell’s April and May workshop and roundtable.  Are you all really preparing that far ahead?!?

GOLF.  Yes, Golf.
The days are getting longer and the weather is getting nicer and it appears that more than a few of us are thinking about golf.  But we are combining work and golf, as in reading Dave Shapiro’s review of the book Zen Golf.

Hope you enjoyed this monthly round up.  But we’d like to see you – even virtually – more often.  In that way, please remember to participate in our on-line community by clicking on the icons below and following us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  From there, you can browse our articles as they post and let us know which industry pieces you find most valuable.


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