CEO Retreats

Each group of non-competing CEOs meets monthly as a high-powered board of advisors that helps each other clarify and achieve their goals. CEO Retreats implement a quarterly schedule that ensures CEOs are exposed to new Tools, share implementation of them at their companies and stay accountable to their business plans.

The Excell approach to learning and modifying behaviors is founded on the principal that the most powerful learning comes in small increments and from frequent and consistent practice. For that reason, our CEO Retreats:

  • Focus on a part of a subject .
  • Go deep rather than wide.
  • Are experiential.
  • Require participants to use content with repetition during the seminar so that there is mastery.

CEO Retreats are composed of:

  • A Tools Workshop,
  • A Roundtable, and
  • A set of implementing commitments between the two programs, to ensure practice by members and heightened learning about their role and gaps they might address,
  • Work Your Plan (WYP), Members grow accountability at CEO Retreats through quarterly reviews of their business plans at (WYP) sessions during the third month of the quarter.

The Tools Workshop is a highly focused and experiential seminar. At its close, Members commit to a 30-day action to apply the content back at their Company.

The Roundtable goes deeper into the Tools work or addresses where Members got stuck and helps them move forward on their learning.

In addition to new tools development, essential CEOs skills are modeled and practiced over and over at the CEO Retreats: coaching, facilitating, accountability, challenging themselves and others to stretch and grow, and effective communication. CEO Retreats allow CEOs to sharpen their skills and, with the opportunity to be open and transparent, build the community and team playing within the Excell group that they want to model in their Companies.


  • “Why you need to be the Chief Communication Officer for your company and what steps to take to be an effective CCO.”
  • “Why Culture eats everything else for lunch! How to architect and create the culture you want”
  • “Addressing Uncertainty! Planning for uncertainty and executing effectively!”
  • “Making better financial decisions. Steps to Building Sustainable ROI; learning how to use break even models to plan debt reduction/payback and sustainably reinvest in my company!”
  • The Power of Resilience in Complex Times

Here is what Members say they value about CEO Retreats:

  • “Learning about innovative and cutting edge management and leadership concepts.
  • New ideas, tips, best practices.
  • The variety of people and topics. The high caliber of presentations.
  • Interactive case studies and discussions about the topics with peers.
  • Learning new subjects beneficial to our team, getting to know new leaders/experts, and getting to apply skills to our team and realize the outcomes.”