Prof’s hit 10,000 golf balls to get to their level. What are you doing to get to the Pro levels of leading your company?

Posted on by Excell Staff


A large number of aspiring executives and owners are working toward their MBA’s.  Like most professional training (doctors, lawyers, etc.), you come out of a program with technical knowledge and almost no trained skills to practice the professional training. This is why doctors go through internships and residencies.  As a young attorney, I learned a good deal in my first couple of years of practice, from secretaries who really knew their stuff (this is the informal legal residency and while most attorneys don’t talk about it, it is for real). 
Back to business types… two questions: What are your strengths and where are you going to get your training?  At Excell, we believe in practicing with frequency, regularity and consistency the skills required to lead a company.  Whether you think of leadership as soft skills or not; whether you are a whiz at inspiring people; whether your planning skills let you see around corners, there is always a next level to achieve. 
So, let me ask you the ultimate question…. How are you going to get your 10,000 practice swings, in order to achieve mastery?  If you do not plan on how you will get mentoring, feedback or accountable practice, then an MBA won’t do you much good.  A high school graduate with a disciplined program, desire and commitment to practice will outshine you any day, whether on the golf course or in business. 
What is your plan? 

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